Andrew Leighton
4 Mar 2024
Trustee Rohan Lewis decides to step down
Rohan Lewis has decided to step down after almost three years as a trustee. We will miss the experience she had gained in living and working for 13 years in various African countries. She has been a steadying hand in our dealings with our African partners, and in running the charity generally. We fully expect, however, to remain in contact, and are grateful for her intention to continue her fundraising activities.
It was she who, on a trip to Uganda in 2022, met Teddy, who was then the deputy head-teacher of Bughungu Primary School. As a result of that meeting a project was conceived to reduce the incredible overcrowding of pupils at the school by building three more classrooms, and to help the teachers by including an office in the new block. Thus the ‘Room to Learn’ project was born, and is now nearing completion. You can read more about it here.
Rohan is very busy with numerous pursuits. Amongst other things, with her husband she runs a bunkhouse and campsite at the foot of the Blorenge mountain near Abergavenny, South Wales. We wish her every blessing.