Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Our Work with the Hospital
Pulse Oximeter
The first project of Natalya's Fund was to supply a Pulse Oximeter to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) of the Vilnius University Children's Hospital in Lithuania. This instrument is widely used nowadays and has a sensor that can be lightly clipped to a patient's finger to monitor the oxygen level in their bloodstream immediately and non-invasively. For a premature baby the oxygen level is critical - too high and blindness may result; too low and there is a risk of brain damage. Previously the NICU had to take blood samples and have them analysed for oxygen content, the delay bringing with it a risk of harm.
We later provided a computer, which enabled doctors to access medical research for the first time via the Internet. To use the words of our contact, Dr Liubsys, “We badly need the local computer network for our Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for data collection and analysis, for connection with the Internet receiving the current medical information, for working out different teaching programs for medical students and residents and etc. Unfortunately, our hospital has [no] computer network at the moment.” We therefore gave £1,295 for the purchase of the computer which, with the press present, was inaugurated by His Excellency, Mr T.T. Macan, the British Ambassador to Lithuania.
Neonatal medications to the value of £609 were provided for the Vilnius University Children's Hospital, Lithuania. They were purchased from ECHO, a charity which specialises in supplying equipment and drugs to overseas hospitals.
Infusion Pump
By August 2010 the Vilnius Fund had grown sufficiently for us to send a further £1,000, to buy one or more syringe infusion pumps. Our cheque was kindly presented by Stephen Conlon, Deputy Head of Mission & HM Consul at the British Embassy.

The CD Project
Through our contact with Brewhouse Music, we were informed about a recording that had been made on digital audio tape (DAT) at a concert in Finland by recording engineer Carl Shavitz. The concert featured a Lithuanian string quartet playing music by a Lithuanian composer. Having gained all necessary permissions, including from Mr Shavitz and the Vilnius Quartet, a recording was produced on CD and cassette. A painting by Ciurlionis, the composer, was featured on the cover. Royalties were waived and many people gave their time and effort free of charge. Production costs were met by donations in response to our campaign. Therefore all the money raised in sales (except postage & packing and merchant fees) goes to the hospital.
Money from sales has far exceeded the production costs, but there are still many CDs and cassettes available for purchase. These are now being offered at reduced rates. The button below will lead you to our shop page.